Submission Guidelines
For all submissions, please mention “QUERY” in your subject line, followed by your project title and your name. Submissions that do not have the word “QUERY” on the subject line might not be read. Please refer to the sections below for guidelines involving specific categories of your work.
For fiction
Please send a one-page query letter, along with a full synopsis and the first chapter from your manuscript. Please have your query letter on the body of your email.
Please do not paste the synopsis and/or the first chapter of your manuscript onto the body of your email. The synopsis and sample chapter should be sent as Word attachments only.
Your query letter should include a log-line or one-line pitch for your book, at least two closest comparables, a blurb (not the same as a synopsis), a note on why you are the author who is best placed to write such a book, and a brief bio listing your writing credentials.
The synopsis should span the entire narrative arc of your novel, including spoilers, and should not exceed two-pages in Times New Roman/ Arial / Calibri font, font-size 12, preferably with a 1.5-line or double spacing.
For non-fiction, including memoirs
Please include a one-page query letter along with a Word attachment of your non-fiction book proposal. The proposal must include your target audience, target geographies, and a note on your subject expertise in the context of your project as well as insights into your public presence, including traditional and social media platforms. The proposal should not be more than 6,000 words, and should be in Times New Roman/ Arial / Calibri font, font-size 12, preferably with a 1.5-line or double spacing.
All submissions are to be emailed to namrata@theglass-slipper.com
Please note that we do not represent poetry and screenplays. We do not charge a reading fee.